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Shut down in a sentence

  up(3)  down(1)
Sentence count:182+8Posted:2017-01-05Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: closeclose downclose upfoldSimilar words: put downcut downput down toshutshut outshuttleoutdooroutdoorsMeaning: v. cease to operate or cause to cease operating. 
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61. The pager company shut down Tuesday, leaving 2000 customers in the lurch.
62. The currents so produced can create havoc, even causing whole plants to shut down.
63. To shut down Windows 95, you click on the: A.. My Computer icon.
64. The three major airports in the Washington region were shut down until it was clear which one the plane was heading for.
65. Emergencies were declared in six states as airports were shut down, stranding travelers across the country.
66. Fire officials ordered the concert shut down after they responded to an emergency call and found four revelers who had stopped breathing.
67. In serious cases the aim is to shut down the system safely.
68. The countryside has been virtually shut down in a bid to contain the highly infectious disease.
69. After selecting a field he carried out his emergency drills and shut down the engine.
70. The owners, initially demanding an NBA-like salary cap, shut down the league from the start of the 1994-95 season.
71. Decayed and declining industries had to be shut down, and vast capital investment directed to the new sectors.
72. Engines were shut down, and the pilots jumped out, carrying their gear.
73. The home had been shut down following complaints of poor hygiene.
74. It may be necessary to shut down processing equipment with high power demands at night when power is at a premium.
74. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
75. Hundreds of miners ringed the Port of Mobile and shut down the whole port.
76. The plant's operators decided to shut down the reactor and clean the rods.
77. A further 150 Ratners stores in the United States will also shut down, making a total of 330.
78. I'm always forgetting to shut down my computer before I go home.
79. With corporations announcing big layoffs and the federal government partly shut down, consumers seemed reluctant to spend money.
80. In the pits they didn't shut down they put their own breed of managers, under-managers and deputies ....
81. You can keep the factory shut down and unproductive, or you can clear it out and get to work.
82. I started to tell him, but everything in my mind shut down.
83. Any bar or disco which exceeds its permitted decibel limit can be shut down on the spot for the night by police.
84. The system actually shut down for the first two weeks in June.
85. This effectively shut down many of the smaller mills, such as many of those along the Carrant Brook.
86. The brig was built in 1992-a year before it was announced the Navy base at Treasure Island would be shut down.
87. It commits the industry to shut down its 19 reactors after an average running time of 32 years.
88. Independent radio stations had been shut down, while troops stationed themselves outside newspapers offices and took over transmission towers.
89. One cable was damaged, which was causing the machine to shut down frequently.
90. This is not the first time that Kloster has shut down a San Francisco-based cruise line.
More similar words: put downcut downput down toshutshut outshuttleoutdooroutdoorswithout doubtget downset downbeat downget down towash upfinish upnext dooreminent domaindowndownsgo downshadowwidowrun downhand downhold downlay downdo withlie downshadowyfall down
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